The earth is place that every single person responsible to protect it from any thing that will destroyed it. The human is who make many activities in his life and he doesn’t know that he make a mistake. From how much we using electricity and food and another thing will affect the carbon dioxide around the earth and all these call footprint carbon. I check my footprint in the earth by using this site http://www.footprint.org.uk/ and my footprint is 3.39 which mean it’s above the UK average. My score divide in four section like for food 20%, travel 25%, home 17% the last one is stuff and is the highest one in 38%.
My problem I eat a lot of meat in a week I actually eat meat every day. Another thing that makes my footprint is high because I travel so much I am going every week to Dubai and maybe everyday in weekend I go to Dubai and that will make me use the car a lot last problem I have it’s that I spend a lot of money to buy stuff like perfume and other electricity staff.

So there are many solutions I can do to reduce this amount of carbon dioxide. One of these solutions is that I should reduce the amount of eating meat to two or three time per week. Another thing that really help should only use my car when it necessary. Last thing I can do that I must by only thing that I really need it not every thing and as we know not every thing you want you must have it.
In conclusion we know that is a part from many reason that cause global warming and it’s a part that from people to do to help to stop this problem before we lose our planet and when it so late to do any thing to stop it.
My problem I eat a lot of meat in a week I actually eat meat every day. Another thing that makes my footprint is high because I travel so much I am going every week to Dubai and maybe everyday in weekend I go to Dubai and that will make me use the car a lot last problem I have it’s that I spend a lot of money to buy stuff like perfume and other electricity staff.

So there are many solutions I can do to reduce this amount of carbon dioxide. One of these solutions is that I should reduce the amount of eating meat to two or three time per week. Another thing that really help should only use my car when it necessary. Last thing I can do that I must by only thing that I really need it not every thing and as we know not every thing you want you must have it.
In conclusion we know that is a part from many reason that cause global warming and it’s a part that from people to do to help to stop this problem before we lose our planet and when it so late to do any thing to stop it.
this is a video show the steps how you can reduce the carbon footprint and each one of us can do it not so hard but so usful for helping our planet from global warming.
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